If these 4 games get flops then, their franchise will also end
If these 4 games get flops then, their franchise will also end So hello guys, their are some game company who have to suffer from loss due to their some game franchise after that they think that now we only give one chance to this game franchise if it get hit then we will continue this game franchise but if it get flop then we will end this game franchise so let's talk about those game. 1. Assassin creed odyssey This is last chance for assassin creed franchise. This game franchise was really good and the assassin creed 3 is one of the most selling game of this franchise but after the assassin creed unity this game franchise was continuously getting down and this franchise was suffer to a huge loss after assassin creed syndicate which was a huge flop. After getting hit of assassin creed origin ubisoft think that we have to give last chance to this franchise by making assass...