Why rocksteady is not officially announcing superman and batman game? || when superman game come out || when batman game come out

Why rocksteady is not officially announcing superman and batman game?

Image result for superman in game
As we know that Rocksteady always make good game so their is no doubt that upcoming marvel and dc game are going to fire-up in game industry so why rocksteady is not officially announcing superman and batman game, according to them they had said that after completing 70% - 80% of game they will officially announce both game but their can be few more reason so let's talk about that

1. Production budget

Image result for poor
Warner bros is suffering from loss in their game universe, so the production budget of this game maybe less in comparison of previous part of batman game series. So in case of that maybe they were not able to make this game or decide to stop making this game that's why they are not officially announcing this game now.

2. Understanding superman character

Image result for superman in injustice
Rocksteady already made games on batman but in case of superman they never made any game on this character so this is the new challenge for rocksteady. Understanding superman character and how to represent their power in a proper manner is not so difficult but ya they have to face some problem while making game on superman they have also need to inspired by comic to make city like metro polis or either fans will complains about this game.

So when these game will come out? according to me the superman and batman game will making in 2019 and after complete this game they start marketing so this game released maybe 2020. 


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