What happen to prototype 3?

What happen to prototype 3?

Image result for prototype 2

So hello guys. Today I am going to discuss about why prototype 3 is not releasing literally What happen to prototype 3 so let's begin.

The last game of prototype franchise was prototype 2 which was released in 2012. Actually the series of this game has made by Radical Entertainment but the rights of this game series has been taken by Activation, so according to the rumors the prototype 3 was going ton release in 2014 but at the end the activation had stop the releasing of this game as they didn't like the story and also the marketing of prototype 2 was something decreasing and they start thinking that the gamer didn't like superheroes game too much so if we release prototype 2 so most probably it will get flop but in fact gamer like superheroes game too as after the release of batman arkham series and spiderman series. After all maybe activation will work on this game, and we will see prototype 3 in future. 


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