5 thing which fans want to see in upcoming superman game

5 thing which fans want to see in upcoming superman game

Image result for superman in game

1. Superman origin

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The most of the fans and also the comics reader want to see the superman origin in this game. Fans wants to see the backstory of superman as we see backstory of supergirl in injustice 2 , fans want to see the featuring of crypton planet as well as how superman parent prevent him while the planet was destroying and all those stuff.

2. Interference of batman 

According to the rumor maybe the Dc want to make their video game universe so after this rumor if we get see the interference of batman in this superman game so we don't get surprise because it is possible if they want to make their universe in game so they have to give some some Easter-egg for their next game

3. Darkseid

Image result for darkseid in injustice
 As we know superman is one of the most powerful character of Dc universe and he deserve some villain and also fans and comics reader also want to see darkseid in this superman game because darkseid is also one of the most powerful villain of Dc universe and the controversy between superman and darkseid is very popular among fans and comics reader.

4. Each and every of power superman

Image result for power superman
In movies we see only few powers of superman which is super strength, super speed, flying, x ray vision but after all this he have also some few power which is cold breath, super breath, strong healing factor and more which fans also want to see in his upcoming game

5. Metro polis city

Image result for Metropolis city superman
featuring of metro polise is the main thing which fans want to see in this game , As this game is an open world game so fans want to see each and  every thing which they had read in comics. 


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