5 Things which fans want to see in next batman arkham game

5 Things which fans want to see in next batman arkham game

So hello guys, today I am going to tell you about 5 Things which fans want to see in next batman arkham game So let's start.

1. Introduce batman family 

As we see in every batman series, they only focus on a batman and the work which he did as a Bruce Wane but they never feature any character from Bruce Wayne personal life which fans want to see in upcoming batman arkham game.

2. Featuring of new gadget and suit

We know a batman not from only his daring work and his bravery, we also know him by his amazing gadget and suit which he uses against his villains and opponent and also his vehicle which is totally different from other vehicle which fans want to see in his upcoming batman arkham game.

3. Great villains

In batman comics and movies, we always saw the great villain who are not only powerful but also they are syco and also know from their different personality like joker, Harley quin, Ben and all which fans want to see in upcoming batman arkham game

4. Presence of any Justice league character

If Dc want to make their video game universe so presence of any Justice league character in this game will not surprise us, as we know batman also lead justice league so fans want to see that 9batmna leading justice league in upcoming batman arkham game 

5. Arkham city 

According to fans In previous game of batman arkham game the featuring of arkham city was not soo good and not big as expected so now fans want to see better arkham city in upcoming batman arkham

So if you want to see anything else in upcoming batman arkham game So let us know by commenting down below and don't forget to follow and share.


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