3 upcoming game which is going to flop according to fans and critics

3 upcoming  game which is going to flop according to fans and critic

So hello guys, today I am going to tell you  3 upcoming game which is going to flop according to fans and critics so let's start

3. Devil may cry 5

Image result for devil may cry 5
Trailer of devil may cry has been hated by critics as the game story is not explain much better in the trailer of this game and also the main villain of this game has not got enough screen time which I think it not good. The character of Dante which is rebooted by game theory in devil may cry 4 is not liked by fans and the same character will present in new upcoming devil may cry 5 so according to fans this game is also going to flop

2. Assassin creed odyssey

Image result for assassin's creed odyssey
The critics and fans both are pretty much sure about that this game is going to flop because according to assassin creed history when they reboot their franchise as we talk about assassin creed syndicate or assassin creed unity they always have to face lose and in the case of assassin creed odyssey maybe this is going to repeat.

1. The division 2 

Image result for division 2
The critics and fans hate the trailer and gameplay of this game the main reason behind this is this game has only 40% completed and ubisoft had released the trailer and gameplay of this game which I think it's totally foolish so most probably this game is going to flop but as I think this game is good because the previous parts of this game was totally amazing 


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