Top 3 forgotten games that were never release

Top 3 forgotten games that were never release

So hello guys, today I am going to tell you about 3 forgotten games that were never release, there are lot of famous game companies who first advertise their game but at the last movement they cancel their release so let start

1. Project offset

Image result for Project offset

A game company whose name was offset software studio they announced a game which was tentatively called project offset. This game was first person shooting game including close-quarter and long range combat playing mix up with ride-able creature like siege trolls and dragons this game was continuously gaining lot of impression but at the last movement this unfortunately the game company was closed and this game was not release.

2. World of darkness

Image result for world of darkness

The whit wolf game company was releasing this game and CCP game was merged with this to make a big MMO game and in 2010 the MMO was officially announced they would be thought that this game will based on vampire . Romance, power, action and mystery would be the center of this game amid at an adult audience but it not to be in April 2014 this game was cancel and the IP was sold to paradox interactive.   

3.This is Vegas

Image result for this is vegas

This game is one which is definitely mention in this list, you are the nobody in this game who was searching for a job in Vegas bar and club you can be a bar tender where you can do lot of fun like doing wet t-shirt contest ya I am not kidding. This game was cancel because Warner Bros have not ambition about this game I don't know why.


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