Will google start their own game industry? || Google game console

Will google start their own game industry?

Google is going to release their gaming console, and the biggest question is that why people will buy google game console as they already have gaming console like PS4 and Xbox, google also knows that they have very big competitors in games console. Google can do one thing to sell their game console they can start their own game industry, as when Microsoft was started release their game console{x box} they have big competitor like ps4 and Nintendo so they stared releasing their own game like halo and gear of war after doing this they got a huge profit in selling of x box and they were also getting profit by releasing their own games and now every game which is release for game console is also deal with x box because now x box is very popular among gamer and every gamer have x box at this time so google can also do this thing in future, they can release their own game and it is clear from their market strategy that if they will their own game so they can sell those game only through over their own game console not for ps4, Nintendo switch, X box and even PC.

So here is all whatever we know if you know something about this so let us know by commenting down below and share this post to your gamers friend.     


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