Game which are going to release for game consoles but not for PC ||Spiderman ps4||red dead redemption 2 pc

Game which are going to release for game consoles but not for PC


So, hello guys today I am going to tell you about some games which is going to release for game console but not for PC the reason behind this is can be the decreasing sales of game in PC or either their can be some more reason so let discuss about them.

Spiderman ps4

Image result for spiderman ps4 poster

Spiderman is one of the most famous and loved by fans character every so if we talk about it previous games so all games of spiderman was hit and non of them was flop and it means their is a lot of craze between fans and gamer , all previous games of spiderman was released for PC but now the spiderman ps4 game is not releasing for PC their can be 2 reason for this so here they are-
  •  According to amazing spiderman game series the market sales in PC of this series was not so good as expected by Sony, so maybe that's why Sony don't want to take risk and the new game spiderman ps4 is not going to release for PC and only releasing for ps4
  •  The second main reason is the budget, yes budget is also can be the reason because the graphic of games in PC is much better in comparison of any game console and due to this it take a lot of money to make games in PC and as we spiderman ps4 has been developed by insomniac and this is the first big project for insomniac so of-course they do not want to take risk about this and only releasing game for ps4 

If you want to buy red dead redemption 2 for your game console so pre order it now by clicking here →

Red dead redemption 2

Image result for Red dead redemption 2
So first let's talk about red dead redemption why it's was not release for PC even it was successful in game console, so fans and gamers was started commenting on their social media account like twitter pages and all, after getting too much comment over this so they post a blog on it.

 As you can see that they don't have any problem to release their game for PC gamer as they release their big project like max payne and GTA 5 for PC and no doubt that they really make good business in it so they don't have any problem to release their game for PC gamers. They are saying that some times it is not possible to release their games on every type of platform as they have to face some problems while releasing their game on all platform like developmentally,technically and business problems. Game developer of rockstar company had posted a blog relating to this----

In this statement the developer want to say that it's a miracle that Red dead redemption has made good business in game consoles he was saying this because the developer of this was made this game as fast as they and they don't expect that this game will make huge business in game console so after this statement it is clear that they are not serious about red dead redemption series and they are making part 2 of this game because first part has make huge profit in game console so if they get success in the second part then maybe they can release their third part for PC but for now the red dead redemption 2 is not going to release for PC.

If you want to buy red dead redemption 2 for your game console so pre order it now by clicking here → (PS4)



So here is all whatever we know if you know something about this so let us know by commenting down below and share this post to your gamers friend.



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