latest news about PS5

latest news about PS5 Release date of PS5 The biggest question about PS5 which fans want to know is that when PS5 will release so, there are lot's of rumors about it's release date so let's talk about them. Shawn lyden is the chairman of SIE(Sony interactive entertainment ) and in E3 interview he had confirmed that they are working on PS5 and they also state that it will take time to develop PS5 and it's games so Shawn lyden state this in 2017 and it's running 2018 it means still PS5 is on dvelopong stae and maybe in 2019 they will announce PS5 release date and the advertisement of PS5 will also started in 2019 and most probably at the end of 2020 they will release PS5. PS5 games The main purpose of making PS5 is developing better games with better graphic if their will nothing new in upcoming Games of PS5 so what does it mean to making PS5, here are some games which can be release on PS5. Death Stranding Ghost of Tsushima Cyberpunk 2077 Call ...