5 thing which spiderman fans want to see in spiderman ps4 game

5 thing which spiderman fans want to see in spiderman ps4 game 

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So hello guys, today I am going to tell you about 5 thing which spiderman fans want to see in spiderman ps4 game , ya fans have some expectation related to this game and they want to see some thing which they didn't see in their previous part so let's start.

1. Powerful villain 

Fans want to see some more powerful and new comic villain in this game which they not get to seen in their previous parts, in gameplay we have seen that the villains are shown very powerful but from only one trailer we can't say anything about full game

2. Presence of any character of avenger

Fans get more excited after listening that the avenger tower and wakanda headquarter are also present in this game so we all want to see any character of avenger in this game

3. Comic spiderman

In the first trailer of spiderman ps4 we see spiderman as he is very serious but in next gameplay he using some comic punches but as I say from one gameplay we can't say anything about full game

4. Spiderman team

As in this game their are lot of villain and I think fighting which those villain only one superhero is not sufficient, so maybe it can happen that spiderman do some team-up work with some either it with any member of avenger or miles morales to defeat those villains

5. Not much playing as peter Parker

In fans opinion in every series of spiderman game we play too much as peter parker and also doing his personal work such as taking picture of crime and all which is not much like by fans and now in spiderman ps4 they do not want to see this again

So if there is any other thing which you want to see or not want to see in spiderman ps4 so let us know by commenting down below and don't forget to follow and share 


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