why GTA 5 is not coming in android?

          Why GTA 5 is not coming in android? 


We all gave too much love to gta 5 as we play gta 5 in our PC and gaming console we get too much fun that's why gta 5 get a lot of business in all over the world it earn $6 billion so now the question is that why they are not coming on a android as they earn to much money in PC and gaming console.
The main is reason is game like gta 5 which is an open world game with incredible graphic running on android is almost impossible and now days condition of android performance for game is totally worst as they only focus on their selfie camera i think they are not working on android performance which is bad but if want to play gta 5 on your android mobile so it will online possible with cloud gaming if u want to know about more so u can search on google . If u see any video which show how you can run gta 5 in a android so it's totally waste of your time they all are fake nothing else. Share this blog to people who are trying to play gta 5 on their android     


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