
Showing posts from May, 2018

top 10 gamer population country in 2018 || see where USA and India stand

                      Top 10 gamer population country so hello guys , As we know 2017 game market had reached $108.04 billion which is awesome so let's see in which country have more gamer population , today top 10 gamer population country in 2018 and see how much game company earn from that country see where your country stand               10.  Italy                                   population   ( 59 M )                                                       revenue      ($ 1,881 M)                                      ...

why GTA 5 is not coming in android?

          Why GTA 5 is not coming in android?    We   all  gave  too much  love to  gta   5  as  we  play  gta   5  in our  PC  and  gaming   console   we   get   too much  fun that's why  gta   5   get   a lot  of  business in  all over  the world  it   earn  $6 billion  so  now the question is that why  they  are not coming on a android as  they   earn  to  much  money in  PC  and  gaming   console . The main  is  reason is  game  like  gta   5  which is an open world  game  with incredible graphic running on  android  is  almost  impossible and now days condition of  android   performance  for  game  is totally  worst ...

How clash of clan earns money? || every clash of clan fan should watch

                    How clash of clan earns money? As we know  clash  of  clan  is  very  popular android game.  Every android gamer has played this game, clash of  clan  is the top 1 grossing strategy game.  Clash of  clan  last year earning is $964 million which is really great, after reading all this thing u are thinking that how this game get their earnings even they don't play any advertisement on their game or this game is absolutely free then how this game earn?  So let's discuss.   I am also a clash of clan player ya it's a cool game no doubt but here is a negative point this game is also very very addictive , in this game you connect with not only with your friend you are playing this game with people all over the world which make this game little Big more addictive so when u addicted with this game and when you need gold, e...


VORTEX CLOUD VS GLOUD GAME  So, today we are going to discuss about two gaming app/software vortex cloud and gloud game . they both are good app/software in their own way but question is that which one is better for you .In some point gloud game is better than vortex and in some point vortex cloud is better than gloud game so let's discuss WHICH ONE IS BEST FOR GAMER  - We are going to discuss in some point In Gloud game we get trial of some game for only 30 min which i think is good but in Vortex cloud u will not get any trial of any game, if u want to play any game u have to buy that. Their is one bad thing in cloud game is that if you want to play any game you have to pay for different amount of money in different different game but in the case of vortex cloud game you have to subscribe for $9,99 (674.28 in rupees) a month and then you can play all game on it. If you want to play a game with the screen display of (800Ɨ600) low setting in vortex cl...

why dc is not making video game ? || every dc fan should watch

why dc is not making video game? Dc is making good business in developing game , selling merchandise , TV series but as we know they are not able to make enough business by making movies . dc gave us batman arkham game series , injustice game series , justice leagues Lego game etc which was pretty good game and also make good business .As we know dc is not making game and we will not got any dc game till 2018-2019 as we not got any announcement about this . so why dc is not making game as they have a crazy between fans regarding theirs game . in my opinion there is only one reason ........... i think dc franchise is now only focusing on their movies and TV series as they have not enough money to invest on game or they have money but not want to take any risk now 

Why marvel can't make a video game? || every marvel fan should watch

Why marvel cannot make video game ? how big is marvel franchise  if at this time any movie of this industry had come into the market it definitely earn more than  $ 800 million so why marvel not making  video game if it is so popular as it developing android game not video game, as i think there are only two main reason - As we know Disney buy marvel character rights also, Disney have more experience of making the movies more than developing game, they do not want that they invest money on game and after that got a huge loss from that which I think it's right and they do not do this only with a marvel they also did this thing with the star war franchise, the incredible franchise One thing can also be happening that marvel first they want to see his fans reaction on android game and then move to console or PC game, i think this because there are much franchise who first release their game on android and then move to PC or gaming console which i think ...

Why India isn't making the video games? || every Indian should watch

Why India isn't making the video games?||every Indian should watch So, hello guys today we are here for discussing about why India is not making the video games there were many reason so let's talk  So first talk about game industry  The computer and video game industry have grown from focused markets to mainstream.  They took in about US$9.5 billion in the US in 2007, 11.7 billion in 2008, and 25.1 billion in 2010  (ESA annual report)  and now in 2017 $108.4 billion which is awesome. Now let's compare  film industry  with  game   industry , the world  highest   money   making  movie is avatar $2.7 billion and the world  highest   money   making   game   is  the world of warcraft over  $  10 billion  Now  we can talk about Why India is not making  the video games ? the 3 main reason are - In India everyone have a diff...